Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) and RASSEA Meeting on 2 July 2021

SUSS & RASSEA have a meeting to proposed future cooperation and collaboration. The panel was attended by Joyce Tan, Razwana Begum Abdul Rahim, and Lukas Santos from SUSS and Dr. Siti Amanah, Lani Eugenia, Epsi Euriga from RASSEA. SUSS students can be the ambassador of food security. In this matter, RASSEA can guide the student about the subject method, knowledge, what students can do. The format can be creating a model of young ambassadors for several years (it can be two years), the ambassador has the duty, wherever they go, they are looking about agricultural sustainability.

RASSEA commits to advocating for policymakers and contributing to community empowerment. Therefore, we need data, information, evidence (FAO, IFAD, CGIAR) to be aware and industry to share the tool, technology with the farmer. We also need expertise not only ambassadors but also campaigns. At the university level, we can do research, capacity of change. For example, we have NELK from GFRAS, and it is also already in our curriculum. How to put SUSS in RASSEA can be through 1) SUSS student enroll in a summer course, 2) Develop urban farming video, 3) Raise awareness about urban farming, food, lifestyle, decrease waste and innovation in Singapore. As a follow-up, the meeting will be continued by making a written document about the involvement of SUSS in RASSEA and the benefits for the institutions.

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