

    When : October, 29Th – 30Th 2024

    Where : International Conference Center IPB & Zoom Meeting

    Toward Sustanable Agri-food System, Robust Agriculture 4.0 and Inclusive Community Development


    Dietary guidelines are essential for each country to develop. More than 100 countries have developed dietary guidelines. The international community has recognized the potential and need for dietary guidelines to advance the transformation of food systems towards desirability and influence policy beyond the scope of consumer education. However, there is currently a lack of global guidance and tools to facilitate this. RASSEA, RELASER in collaboration with FAO on April 30 2024, held a webinar on dietary guidelines. This webinar presents speakers from FAO and the National Food Agency of the Republic of Indonesia.

    FAO presented as speakers Ana Islas Ramos, Nutrition Officer Food and Nutrition Division, FAO and Rinna Syawal from the National Food Agency, who delivered material related to the food consumption situation and implementation of B2SA in Indonesia.

    Figure 1. Ana Islas Ramos, Nutrition Officer Food and Nutrition Division, FAO
    Figure 2. Rinna Syawal, Director for Dietary Diversification National Food Agency of Republic Indonesia

    This webinar on dietary guidelines was attended by 30 participants from various institutions, such as the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Ministry of Agriculture, IPB University, Agriculture and Food Crops Service Bogor Regency, Agriculture and Food Crops Service Bali Province, Extension Coordinator agriculture and from various other institutions.

    Figure 3. Participants of the Webinar on Dietary Guidelines

    This webinar concludes several things as follows:

    1. Good nutrition starts with what we eat, making healthy diets a cornerstone solution for addressing all forms of malnutrition
    2. The international community has recognized the potential and need for dietary guidelines to catalyze food systems’ transformation towards sustainability and influence policies beyond consumer education’s scope. However, there is currently a lack of global guidance and tools to facilitate this.
    3. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has developed the new food systems-based dietary guidelines (FSBDGs) methodology through a collaborative process involving multiple global, regional, and country-level experts to fill this gap.
    4. Dietary guidelines are evidence-based recommendations that outline what a healthy diet represents in a country
    5. Dietary Guidelines have  a vast potential to promote healthy diets  from sustainable food systems by informing policies, programmes and investments throughout the food system
    6. Dietary guidelines must be better developed, communicated, implemented and evaluated to unpack their potential. In particular, they need to embrace a food systems approach to diets
    7. There is a growing international demand for dietary guidelines to integrate sustainability considerations. It is not an option but a need
    8. More than 100 countries have developed  Dietary guidelines; it is time we see the results of these efforts in terms of behaviour change and food system transformation on the ground
    9. Ag extension and RAS stakeholders have a role to play in the FSBDGs to bring about  new ways of thinking and acting about food systems for healthy diets and sustainability
    10. Indonesia has several related regulations regarding dietary guidelines
    11. Indonesia is developing the concept of diverse, nutritious, balanced and safe food (in Bahasa B2SA).
    12. B2SA is a variety of foods that must be consumed in balanced quantities, following recommended nutritional adequacy and free from physical, chemical and biological contamination
    13. B2SA doesn’t have to be expensive and can take advantage of local food that is easily accessible.
    Figure 4. Webinar Jamboard

    Webinar materials on dietary guidelines can be downloaded below:

    How to Develop and Implement Dietary Guidelines with a Food Systems Approach: FAO Food systems-based dietary guidelines: Entry points for Ag Extension and RASAna Islas Ramos

    Clik here to download

    Situasi Konsumsi Pangan dan Implementasi B2SA di Indonesia (Current Status of The Dietary and B2SA Implementation in Indonesia)Rinna Syawal

    Clik here to download


    Wishing you a prosperous New Year

    filled with happiness and new opportunities.

  • Institutional Innovation to Facilitate Low-Cost Organic Certification- How Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) Work in Vietnam, APIRAS-APAARI-FAO-TAP Good Practice Note 4
  • REPORT (Cover) of Contemporary Digital Innovations and Solutions for Agricultural Extension


    Agriculture sector in Southeast Asia is facing serious problem, in which the production several comodities such as rice and corn is fluctuated causing the unstability in the food supply. One factor influencing the rice productions is climate extreme.

    El Niño is a climate pattern that describes the unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Trade winds and atmosphere are also impacted by El Niño.

    In Indonesia, currently the price of rice is increasing because the availability of rice is decreasing. The impact of El Nino greatly influences this situation. Several provinces have experienced drought which has resulted in rice fields failing to harvest.

    The Impact of El Nino on Farmers

    The impact of El Nino is felt by farmers, especially in the agricultural sector. Some of the impacts are:

    1. Drought

    El Nino often causes sea surface temperatures to increase and reduce rainfall in some areas. Prolonged drought can occur as a result of this, causing the availability of water for agriculture to decrease.

    • Planting Season Disruption

    El Nino changes weather patterns and can disrupt the usual planting season. Farmers may experience delays in planting crops, a reduction in planting area, or even crop failure.

    • Diseases and Pests

    Changes in weather conditions due to El Nino can affect the spread of plant diseases and pests. A more favorable environment for some diseases and pests may emerge, which can lead to faster spread and damage to crops and reduced yields.

    • Decrease in Plant Quality

    High temperatures and water shortages due to El Nino can cause a decrease in crop quality. Fruits and vegetables grown in less than ideal conditions tend to be smaller, taste less delicious, and have poor overall quality.

    • Market Instability

    Changes in agricultural production due to El Nino can cause market instability. If harvests are reduced or fail, supply can decrease, which can then lead to price increases and an imbalance between supply and demand.

    Mitigation and climate data are very necessary in the agricultural sector to reduce negative impacts. Therefore, modern agriculture based on data and good risk analysis must be strengthened and its socialization must be intensified.

    Efforts to Anticipate and Adapt to El Nino in the Agricultural Sector

    To face the threat of El Nino, farmers and governments can take the following steps:

    Identification and Mapping of Affected Areas

    Identifying and mapping areas at risk of experiencing drought is an important step to anticipate and overcome the impact of El Nino. Higher risk areas can be categorized into red, yellow and green zones to devise appropriate mitigation strategies.

    • Planting Acceleration

    Farmers can speed up the planting schedule to catch the remaining rain that is still available before the dry period arrives. In this way, they can maximize the potential yield.

    • Increased Availability of Machine Tools

    The government can increase the availability of agricultural tools and machinery (machines) to help farmers in the process of accelerating planting. Modern machinery allows the planting process to be more efficient and faster.

    • Increased Water Availability

    Construction and improvement of water management infrastructure such as reservoirs, ditch dams, infiltration wells, rehabilitation of irrigation networks and pumping are important to increase water availability during the dry season.

    • Provision of Drought and OPT Resistant Seeds

    Providing superior seeds that are drought resistant and optimal pest and disease (OPT) control options need to be prioritized to ensure agriculture continues to produce well even in unfavorable weather conditions.

    • El Nino Impact Adaptation and Mitigation Program

    The government can design special adaptation and mitigation programs to deal with the impacts of El Nino. This program can include education, technical guidance, and assistance for farmers.

    • Centralized and Independent Development of Organic Fertilizer

    Using organic fertilizer can help increase soil fertility and plant resistance to drought. The development of centralized and independent organic fertilizer can support farmers in facing El Nino.

  • THE THIRD BIENNIAL RASSEA – 2023 –> When: Wednesday, 30th August 2023 –> Where : Online Via Zoom
  • GLOBAL WEBINAR “Contemporary Digital Innovations & Solution for Agricultural Extension”

    Dear Digital RAS Community,

    We are happy to announce that, after discussions with our GIZ colleagues, we have set a date for the Global Webinar on the Digital RAS project.

    We propose it for Tuesday, 29 August, between 13:00 and 15:00 CEST.

    A full programme will follow in the next weeks, but attached is already a flyer we ask you to share with your networks. It has the registration link, which you can also find here.

    We’re looking forward to seeing you all there!

    The registration link, which you can also find here.