


    The 5th International Conference on Rural Socio-economic Transformation (RUSET) 2024 is finally open 🥳

    RUSET is an annual event organized by the Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences, IPB University, Bogor.

    This year’s conference focuses on ”Toward Sustainable Agri-food Systems, Robust Agriculture 4.0, and Inclusive Community Development”.

    By registering, you will engage with outstanding experts from various international universities, contribute to impactful discussions, and collaborate on innovative solutions to critical challenges.

    🗓 Date: October 29-30, 2024.
    📍Location: Zoom Meeting
    💵 Fee
    •⁠ ⁠Without E-Certificate: FREE!
    •⁠ ⁠With E-Certificate: Rp 50.000/5 USD


    When: 15th August 2024

    Where: Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

    🔗 Join Online: Scan the QR Code

    Join us on August 15th in Bogor for a session with U.S. and Indonesian women farmers sharing their experiences in adopting technology and boosting productivity.

    🔗 Join Online: Scan the QR Code

  • HAPPY RAMADHAN 1445 H / 2024

    “May Allah Always Bless You and Your family with joys, togetherness,and happiness”


    Wishing you a prosperous New Year

    filled with happiness and new opportunities.

  • Institutional Innovation to Facilitate Low-Cost Organic Certification- How Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) Work in Vietnam, APIRAS-APAARI-FAO-TAP Good Practice Note 4

    Agriculture sector in Southeast Asia is facing serious problem, in which the production several comodities such as rice and corn is fluctuated causing the unstability in the food supply. One factor influencing the rice productions is climate extreme.

    El Niño is a climate pattern that describes the unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Trade winds and atmosphere are also impacted by El Niño.

    In Indonesia, currently the price of rice is increasing because the availability of rice is decreasing. The impact of El Nino greatly influences this situation. Several provinces have experienced drought which has resulted in rice fields failing to harvest.

    The Impact of El Nino on Farmers

    The impact of El Nino is felt by farmers, especially in the agricultural sector. Some of the impacts are:

    1. Drought

    El Nino often causes sea surface temperatures to increase and reduce rainfall in some areas. Prolonged drought can occur as a result of this, causing the availability of water for agriculture to decrease.

    • Planting Season Disruption

    El Nino changes weather patterns and can disrupt the usual planting season. Farmers may experience delays in planting crops, a reduction in planting area, or even crop failure.

    • Diseases and Pests

    Changes in weather conditions due to El Nino can affect the spread of plant diseases and pests. A more favorable environment for some diseases and pests may emerge, which can lead to faster spread and damage to crops and reduced yields.

    • Decrease in Plant Quality

    High temperatures and water shortages due to El Nino can cause a decrease in crop quality. Fruits and vegetables grown in less than ideal conditions tend to be smaller, taste less delicious, and have poor overall quality.

    • Market Instability

    Changes in agricultural production due to El Nino can cause market instability. If harvests are reduced or fail, supply can decrease, which can then lead to price increases and an imbalance between supply and demand.

    Mitigation and climate data are very necessary in the agricultural sector to reduce negative impacts. Therefore, modern agriculture based on data and good risk analysis must be strengthened and its socialization must be intensified.

    Efforts to Anticipate and Adapt to El Nino in the Agricultural Sector

    To face the threat of El Nino, farmers and governments can take the following steps:

    Identification and Mapping of Affected Areas

    Identifying and mapping areas at risk of experiencing drought is an important step to anticipate and overcome the impact of El Nino. Higher risk areas can be categorized into red, yellow and green zones to devise appropriate mitigation strategies.

    • Planting Acceleration

    Farmers can speed up the planting schedule to catch the remaining rain that is still available before the dry period arrives. In this way, they can maximize the potential yield.

    • Increased Availability of Machine Tools

    The government can increase the availability of agricultural tools and machinery (machines) to help farmers in the process of accelerating planting. Modern machinery allows the planting process to be more efficient and faster.

    • Increased Water Availability

    Construction and improvement of water management infrastructure such as reservoirs, ditch dams, infiltration wells, rehabilitation of irrigation networks and pumping are important to increase water availability during the dry season.

    • Provision of Drought and OPT Resistant Seeds

    Providing superior seeds that are drought resistant and optimal pest and disease (OPT) control options need to be prioritized to ensure agriculture continues to produce well even in unfavorable weather conditions.

    • El Nino Impact Adaptation and Mitigation Program

    The government can design special adaptation and mitigation programs to deal with the impacts of El Nino. This program can include education, technical guidance, and assistance for farmers.

    • Centralized and Independent Development of Organic Fertilizer

    Using organic fertilizer can help increase soil fertility and plant resistance to drought. The development of centralized and independent organic fertilizer can support farmers in facing El Nino.

  • PRESS RELEASE “THE THIRD BIENNIAL RASSEA 2023” Webinar in Conjuction With RASSEA Meeting

    RASSEA is an organization part of the GFRAS network, which is a Sub Regional network that enables multi stakeholders in extension education/RAS to engage and support for the betterment of extension education/RAS towards the sustainability of agri-food in South East Asia.

    Since its establishment in 2019, RASSEA has endeavored to provide support and advocacy in the implementation of agricultural extension in Southeast Asia through various meetings and formulation of recommendations for countries as part of country fora as well as recommendations that can be implemented regionally.

    RASSEA has developed a strategic plan for 2021-2030 as an operational plan which will also use as a monitoring system that will support program and action planning, measure changes and developments in extension/RAS. in the RASSEA strategic Plan it is stated that RASSEA provide forum exchange or sharing of knowledge and experiences, processing data and information, promoting innovation and lesson learnt among the member countries in extension/RAS. So this webinar and meeting is important as an effort to share experiences as well as prepare recommendations regarding extension/RAS.

    1. Youth in Agriculture by Laras Salsabila, Sustainable Development Practice/Post Graduate Student at University of Florida

    The role of youth in agriculture is very important as a successor in preparing future food for this reason, it is necessary to have strategies and policies that are conducive so that young people are interested in doing business in the agricultural sector by develop holistic youth development program and Simplify regulatory processes as well as to create a one-stop platform for all agricultural business needs. At the empowerment side, involving youth in agriculture sector should be provide and develop a curriculum that aligns with current agricultural trends and demands for specialized training sessions, webinars, or workshops on agri-tech, sustainable farming, and agri-business management

    • Integration Nutrition in Extension and Advisory Service by Dr. Virginia Cardenas, APIRAS Board Member and GFRAS Focal Point.

    Improving nutrition is at the core of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda 2: Zero Hunger. It meant that food security, nutrition and agriculture are part of the same global agenda. SDG 2 encourages the world to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. In line with the purpose of extension/RAS which encompasses all activities aimed to providing information and services needed by farmers and other actors in rural settings, which assist them in developing their own technical, organizational, and management skills and practices so as to improve their livelihoods and well-being.  The integration of nutrition in RAS is important because it is necessary to raise awareness for all parties, both for farmers as producers of quality food to women who will process nutritious food. For that sake it will be requires a strong and comprehensive policy because it is not only from the agricultural side but also from the health side and also law enforcement especially to get fair food for the people.

    The RASSEA 3rd Biennial Meeting discussed follow-ups that would be carried out by both the country fora and RASSEA as regional networking. As an introduction to the discussion, start with the presentation delivered by:

    1. Dr. Siti Amanah as chairperson of RASSEA
    2. Dr. Arlene Flores as the Philipines Country fora chairperson
    3. Prof. Dr. Noorsida Man as country Fora chairperson of Malaysia
    4. Dr. Johan David Wetik as country fora chairperson for Indonesia

    The discussion at the RASSEA 3rd  Biennial Meeting conducted by each presenter conveyed the potentials and constraints in developing the organization both in each country and regionally. 

    In general, the problems faced by country fora concern to governance and organizations that are still not sustainable, support from stakeholders that needs to be increased, as well as adequate financial support for the implementation of activities in accordance with plans that have been develop. However, all country forums agree that the activities carried out have very positive impact in developing extensions/RAS in each respective country for strengthening the food and nutrition system through an approach that prioritizes community empowerment.

    The meeting resulted in several points of following agreement was obtained:

    1. Maintaining program and activities include RASSEA website as information and communication virtual platform
    2. Strengthening country fora in providing support or recommendations for implementing extensions/RAS in each respective country
    3. Conduct join program of RAS in South East Asia on matters of capacity building, poverty alleviation, gender mainstreaming to improve the quality of extension/RAS for developing better food and nutrition policy.
    4. Identify champion figures who can pushed  organizations to the next level that have leadership and integrity
    5. Strengthening network with potential partner in developing extension/RAS
    6. Identify opportunities to obtain sustainable funding sources by fund raising and resources mobilization

    The next 4th RASSEA meeting in 2025 will be proposed hosted by the Phillipines/Phileasnet.

  • GLOBAL WEBINAR “Contemporary Digital Innovations & Solution for Agricultural Extension”

    Dear Digital RAS Community,

    We are happy to announce that, after discussions with our GIZ colleagues, we have set a date for the Global Webinar on the Digital RAS project.

    We propose it for Tuesday, 29 August, between 13:00 and 15:00 CEST.

    A full programme will follow in the next weeks, but attached is already a flyer we ask you to share with your networks. It has the registration link, which you can also find here.

    We’re looking forward to seeing you all there!

    The registration link, which you can also find here.

  • VIRTUAL MEETING Topic: Country Fora Enhancement

    Friday, 9 June 2023. Dr. Siti Amanah (Chair, APIRAS, and RASSEA), Prof Dr Norsida Man (Chairperson for Malaysia Forum for RAS Network), Dr. Johan David Wetik (Chairperson, IFRAS), Dr. Epsi Euriga (Program Officer, RASSEA), Dr. Ranny Mutiara C., Lanny Eugenia, and Feriadi were involved in the virtual meeting. The topic is Country Fora Enhancement especially in southeast asia. The results of the meeting agreed that The Third Annual Meeting of RASSEA Would be held in September. The even will be hosted by Malaysia Forum for RAS Network Cooperated with IFRAS UPM, FEMA IPB University, University Community Transformation Centre (UCTC).


    Dear Digital RAS Group,

    Below is the invitation for tomorrow’s webinar, hosted by Anglophone Africa:
    Their presentation will focus on:


    The Webinar discussed about the current potentials and challenges of digitalization and Rural Advisory Services in Asia, conducted in collaboration with RASSEA, GFRAS, GIZ and supported by APIRAS and IPB University. Attend in the webinar are Representative of Gov’t of Indonesia, Gov’t of Philippines, Global & Regional RAS Stakeholders and Networks, Indonesia and the Philippines Study Team, and Resource Persons in RAS Technology & Communication Services.

    Dr.Hlami Ngwenya from GFRAS Secretariat open the webinar and expressed enthusiasm in following the sharing exchange, expected lesson learn inspire from the recent Digital RAS study that can be share within GFRAS networks, while Chairperson of RASSEA, Dr.Siti Amanah extended welcome speech to all the participants  

    Sharing Session By Mr. Erlangga and Mr. Ronny Adhikarya

    –  an opportunity towards new concept of knowledge/communication brokering, where in this case ( GFRAS has been developing a concept of knowledge brokering called new extensionist, Inclusive RAS Participation by Formulate involvement RAS actor within AIS,  opportunities towards ICT, and created New Extensionist learning KIT), alternative channels to generated Online Service through Social Media, and other online platform.

    Opportunity and challenge to explore A demand driven RAS orientation

    – Challenge remaining in RAS tech Infrastructure and Digital Litercy, and measuring Digital RAS effectively use by farmer and extensionist, a need towards Ethic communication, a need smart tool in validating data and Generating financial scheme such as paid digital extension

    • Closure and way forward

    In a fast changing world, Digital RAS plays as effective tool to closing the gap towards some existing RAS demand. Yet issues towards access, technical, management, and funding are those that become great homework for all, the RAS stakeholders.

  • PRESS RELEASE – The 12th GFRAS Annual Meeting Side Event
  • “The Tropical Agriculture Platform towards the Future Advisory Services and Agroecology”

    Agriculture in tropical region has a unique agro-ecology and socio-economic of the community. Unprecedented changes related to nature and human activities have affected the agri-food value chains. Considering the challenges of agriculture in the tropics, Rural Advisory Services for Southeast Asia (RAS-SEA) wishes to organize a side event entitled “The Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) towards the future advisory services and agro-ecology.” The side event aims to share the idea and social innovation on transformation of agriculture/rural advisory services in the new normal era and fast development of digital technology. All stakeholders should have a clear vision for the future agriculture/rural advisory services. The question is how TAP as a platform can assist farmers, female farmers, and youth meet the need? How could extension and advisory services become more professional, sustainable, and agro-ecology oriented? Interested to join? Join us on 30 November 2021 at the designed time.09:30-11:30 Serbia Time15:30-17:30 Jakarta/Bangkok Time 16:30-18:30 KL/Sin/Manila Time

    Please fill the link below :Thank you!

  • 12th GFRAS Annual Meeting 2021


    The 12th GFRAS Annual Meeting will take place virtually and be organized in Belgrade, Serbia between 1 and 3 December, 2021. Side events are planned to take place on November 30th.

    Join us to discuss how agroecology is acquiring new relevance and a path to reconstruct a post-COVID-19 agriculture. The Annual meeting is co-organized by the Institute for Science Application in Agriculture, Serbia (IPN/ ISAA) and the South Eastern Europe Advisory Service Network (SEASN).

    Apply now here

  • GrowHer Launching in Indonesia!

    The #GrowHer launch in #Indonesia (Wednesday, 15 September) is an opportunity for #agriculture stakeholders to explore how digital platforms and technology play a critical role in empowering #women agripreneurs. Register here to learn more about the systemic issues that women in the industry face and how we can address them 👉 is a community-based platform that connects women to learning events, essential resources and best-practice sharing from other women agripreneurs. While we recognize that there is no ‘silver bullet’ to closing the gender gap, GrowHer will help inform, inspire and empower women, providing them with resources to sustainability increase their yields and income.

  • Happy ASEAN Day 54th! We Care, We Prepare, We Prosper

    ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) is a regional organization that accommodates the cooperation of 10 countries in Southeast Asia. There are the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia. 

    In line with the ASEAN’s purposes to build relations between countries in Southeast Asia for the betterment of education, economic growth, social progress and cultural development. RASSEA as a rural advisory services organization operating in Southeast Asia that has similar vision also wants to support and wishes “Happy ASEAN Day 54th! We Care, We Prepare, We Prosper”.

  • Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) and RASSEA Meeting on 2 July 2021

    SUSS & RASSEA have a meeting to proposed future cooperation and collaboration. The panel was attended by Joyce Tan, Razwana Begum Abdul Rahim, and Lukas Santos from SUSS and Dr. Siti Amanah, Lani Eugenia, Epsi Euriga from RASSEA. SUSS students can be the ambassador of food security. In this matter, RASSEA can guide the student about the subject method, knowledge, what students can do. The format can be creating a model of young ambassadors for several years (it can be two years), the ambassador has the duty, wherever they go, they are looking about agricultural sustainability.

    RASSEA commits to advocating for policymakers and contributing to community empowerment. Therefore, we need data, information, evidence (FAO, IFAD, CGIAR) to be aware and industry to share the tool, technology with the farmer. We also need expertise not only ambassadors but also campaigns. At the university level, we can do research, capacity of change. For example, we have NELK from GFRAS, and it is also already in our curriculum. How to put SUSS in RASSEA can be through 1) SUSS student enroll in a summer course, 2) Develop urban farming video, 3) Raise awareness about urban farming, food, lifestyle, decrease waste and innovation in Singapore. As a follow-up, the meeting will be continued by making a written document about the involvement of SUSS in RASSEA and the benefits for the institutions.

  • National Seminar and Congress III The Association of Indonesian Development Extention Expert (PAPPI), Thursday, 24th June 2021


    Building human civilization requires synergy and collective work of many parties. The concept of ‘pentahelix’ development which consists of elements from the government, society, academia, business field and the media which support each other is needed to accelerate the achievement of development goals. On that basis, The Association of Indonesian Development Extension Experts (PAPPI) will hold a National Seminar and Congress III with the theme: * The Strategic Role of Extension in Human Development through the Penta Helix Approach in the Digital Age. *

    The main goals of the activity is to provide space for the exchange of ideas, dissemination of study results and sharing practical experiences in order to build multi-stakeholder synergies, strengthening institutions, developing networks and collaborating for the development of human resource quality in various fields of development, contributing to the development of development extension science, community development, and related fields in anticipating the digital era that has changed human behavior patterns at the local and global levels. Activities will be carried out on:
    Day, date: Thursday, 24 June 2021
    At: 08.30-12.30 WIB (National Seminar) &
    At: 13.30-16.00 WIB (Congress)
    Media / Location: Online via zoom meeting
    Registration link:
    Contact person:
    #development counseling

  • Introduction about APIRAS

    Introduction about APIRAS (Dr. Virginia R. Cardenas)
    Introduction about APIRAS
    (Dr. Virginia R. Cardenas)
  • RASSEA is sub-regional network under coordination of APIRAS and GFRAS

    Rural Advisory Services in Southeast Asia (RASSEA) is Sub-Regional Network (SRN) under coordination of Asia Pacific Rural Advisory Services (APIRAS). Asia Pacific Rural Advisory Services (APIRAS) is the Regional Network for Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS).

    In 26 August 2017, Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA) IPB University hold a meeting to discuss agricultural extension related issues in Southeast Asia. The meeting had been made possible to occur through co-sharing between IPB University and SEARCA. The meeting was attended by 30 participants comprising representatives from IPB University Indonesia, University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), University of Chulalangkorn, University of Gadjah Mada International Center for Research in Agro-forestry (ICRAF), SEARCA, the University of the Philippines, SEAMEO-BIOTROP, Representative from Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia, Representative from Government of Bogor District, Representative from Government of Bogor Municipality, Extension Workers, Puan Tani (Civil Society Organization), researchers, farmer leaders, and the students. Participants of the meeting agreed to develop Southeast Asia forum for rural advisory services. This forum can be perceived as a hub to improve learning, sharing, networking and advocacy to improve performance of extension in providing the services.

    In 27 January 2018, Core Team of RAS-SEA was formed with the function to work on developing the network as an organization. In the 9th GFRAS Annual Meeting that was hold in Korea on October 2018, at APIRAS meeting group, it was suggested that the sub-network would consist of the members from insular region of Southeast Asia. Up to this stage, RAS-SEA aims at strengthening extension/advisory services to fulfill the needs of multi stakeholders towards sustainable agri-food system.